A Work in Progress

Encouraging and helpful thoughts I've had as I seek to grow in my walk with God.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Where is the Spirit's Power? Lessons from Achan

Notes from the Sunday evening service at Townhill Baptist Church 22/8/10 where Owen Batstone was preaching on Joshua 7. You can download the sermon from the Townhill Baptist website or direct here.

Where is the Spirit's Power?
  1. God is sovereign
  2. Man is responsible
Israel had become a merely religious people.
v2 - They act without God
v3 - They misjudge their enemies
vs4-5 - They fled in fear

Achan didn't trust God. God wasn't enough for him.

1. Christians must be the genuine article.

Am I genuine?
Is your heart like stone?
Have you stopped getting as close as you can to the Lord?
God says 'Forget your sin, it's not better than me.'
V Higham - 'If you leave the secret chamber it will show.'
One of the marks of spiritual rebellion is deviousness.

2. Christians can be a help or a hindrance to their Lord (v12)

Do you harbour grievous sin against God and then let people pray and preach on in church?
Are you getting closer to Him every day?
Would people choose to share fellowship with you?
Woe to us if our 'theology' protects us from God.
Either you deal with your sin or God will.
If you're not bowing now, you won't bow then.
Have ever met someone in church who's made you realise 'I'm here for social conversation but he's here for God.' Let us live for Christ.

3. The Lord cares about the condition of your heart.

Matthew 25:23 is said to the profitable Christian not every Christian.
Pull the veil of the law away and see the Son in all His beauty.
v13 - sanctify yourselves
Don't let Him pass you by - take hold of Him.
All the fitness He requires is that you feel your need for Him.
We are called to admire the Lord Jesus.
